
  • Amount of legroom you get on major US airlines

    Amount of legroom you get on major US airlines

    Feeling crunched during a flight? Here’s how much legroom you’re getting in economy seating on some of America’s major airlines like United, Delta, and American.

  • Why do airlines sell too many tickets?

    Why do airlines sell too many tickets?

    Have you ever sat in a doctor’s office for hours, despite having an appointment? Has a hotel turned down your reservation because it’s full? Have you been bumped off a flight that you paid for? These are all symptoms of overbooking, a practice where businesses sell or book more than their capacity. So why do…

  • South East Asian Airlines Performance

    South East Asian Airlines Performance

  • The Singapore Girl Waxworks by Madame Tussauds

    The Singapore Girl Waxworks by Madame Tussauds

    The first wax figure of the Singapore Girl was modelled after Ms Lim Suet Kwee in 1993. Ms Lim, now an Assistant Manager with Singapore Airlines, played a crucial role in the selection process for the new Singapore Girl wax figure. Modelled after Ms Nur Surya Binte Mohamed Ambiah, a flight stewardess with Singapore Airlines,…

  • Madame Tussauds Müzesi’nde, İkinci Singapur Kızı

    Madame Tussauds Müzesi’nde, İkinci Singapur Kızı

    Singapore Airlines tarafından kırk seneyi aşkın bir süredir sürdürülegelen “Singapur Kızı” (Singapore Girl) konsepti, yıllar içerisinde pazarlama konusunda bir vak’a çalışması örneği haline gelmişti. Şirketin kurulduğu 1972 yılından bu yana, “Sarong Kebaya” adı verilen üniformayı giyen kabin memurları, 40 seneyi bulan bir süredir Singapore Airlines’ın yolcularıyla ve tüm kamuoyuyla temas eden son derece önemli bir…

  • Which Airlines Have Wi-Fi?

    Which Airlines Have Wi-Fi?

  • Airlines embrace their inner tech-geek

    Airlines embrace their inner tech-geek

    This article is re-published with kind permission of “”. One of the hardest marketing messages to convey is that you are current, and understand the market. ‘Silicon Valley favourite’ Virgin America is one of the best examples of this. Easy to recognize thanks to its iconic cabin lighting and hip and forward-looking approach to airline…