February 2018

  • Dubai Airports – Igniting Innovation

    Dubai Airports – Igniting Innovation

    Dubai Airports ignites innovation in celebration of Innovation Month. Here’s a small sample of some of the amazing innovations Dubai Airports has delivered during the last year.

  • Airbus A321LR First Flight

    Airbus A321LR First Flight

    Airbus A321LR – Maiden flight of the world’s most fuel efficient and longest range single aisle aircraft – in this video more on the special day in the skies above Hamburg.

  • Real-time air traffic simulations for the Istanbul New Airport

    Real-time air traffic simulations for the Istanbul New Airport

    The General Directorate of State Airports Authority, DHMI, of Turkey are preparing for the opening of a third airport in Istanbul to accommodate the growth of traffic in the region which is expected to double in the coming decade, surpassing the number of 2,000,000 flights which would need to be handled by Turkey per year.…

  • Airbus A321LR, İlk Deneme Uçuşunu Başarıyla Tamamladı

    Airbus A321LR, İlk Deneme Uçuşunu Başarıyla Tamamladı

    Airbus A321’in uzun menzilli versiyonu A321LR, ilk deneme uçuşunu dün (31 Ocak 2018) başarıyla gerçekleştirdi. Airbus’ın Hamburg’daki fabrikasından saat 11:00 civarında kalkış yapan uçak, üç saate yakın bir uçuşun ardından 14:00’e doğru tesislere geri döndü. 2018 yılının son çeyreğinde hizmete girmesi beklenen ve iki kabin sınıflı olarak 206 koltuk kapasitesine (16 Business + 190 Economy)…

  • The 2017 Delta Medallion Life

    The 2017 Delta Medallion Life

    Delta’s Medallion Members accomplished a lot in 2017. Check out all of these travel stats from last year—and here’s to accomplishing even more together this year.

  • Finnair – Onboard service video

    Finnair – Onboard service video

    This video is about Finnair’s in-flight service with international sign language. The video is available for deaf, hard of hearing and sign language users on in-flight entertainment system on A350 and A330 aircrafts. The video is signed by Marko Vuoriheimo aka Signmark.