
  • UPS, “Drone Havayolları” Kuruyor

    UPS, “Drone Havayolları” Kuruyor

    Dünyanın önde gelen lojistik şirketlerinden UPS, Amerikan Federal Havacılık Dairesi FAA’den, bir “drone havayolu” kurma ve işletme lisansı alarak bu konuda bir ilke imza attı. “Part 135 Standard” olarak adlandırılan lisans, UPS’in bir alt şirketi olan UPS Flight Forward Inc. tarafından alındı. UPS Flight Forward, söz konusu izni alır almaz, Part 135 kapsamı altındaki ilk…

  • Pilots Waving to Plane Spotters Before Departure

    Pilots Waving to Plane Spotters Before Departure

    by HD Melbourne Aviation Its not everyday that plane spotters are waved to by pilots in the cockpit let alone having the crew leave their plane and greeting spotters eager to catch the elusive 747-400BCF at Sydney Airport. UPS operate 5x weekly 747s into Sydney Airport. The flights were operated by MD11s until the end…

  • How Overnight Shipping Works

    How Overnight Shipping Works

    A very useful video about express cargo business regarding its airline relation.