
  • Luggage Carts at Schiphol Airport

    Luggage Carts at Schiphol Airport

    What you probably did not know about the luggage carts at Schiphol is that in total there are 10 000 luggage carts at the airport. They make their own journey on the airport.

  • “Schiphole in one” during parking at Schiphol

    “Schiphole in one” during parking at Schiphol

    Schiphole in one! With golf carts on P3, travelers begin their journey comfortable and equipped at Schiphol Airport.

  • TAM | Bagagem Histórica

    TAM | Bagagem Histórica

    De 05 a 12 de outubro, carrinhos de bagagem se transformam em clássicos da aviação no Terminal 3 do Aeroporto de Guarulhos. O sonho de voar já começa no check-in! 05 to October 12, luggage carts become classics of aviation in Terminal 3 at Guarulhos Airport. The dream of flying starts at check-in!