
  • Airbus Blade Project

    Airbus Blade Project

    Airbus Blade Project: Another leap forward towards cleaner and more fuel efficient aviation.

  • Airbus, “Blade” Adlı Kanatlarla İlk Uçuşunu Yaptı

    Airbus, “Blade” Adlı Kanatlarla İlk Uçuşunu Yaptı

    Avrupalı uçak imalatçısı Airbus, dış kanat hava akış yüzeyi (Breakthrouh Laminar Aircraft Demonstrator – BLADE) olarak adlandırılan yeni kanatlarla ilk uçuşunu, A340 tipi uçakta gerçekleştirdi. Airbus, BLADE Projesi ile (Project Blade) akış yüzeylerini düşürerek direnci azaltıp  yakıt tasarrufu ve düşük karbondioksit emisyonu salınımını hedefliyor. Airbus ile birlikte 21 Avrupa şirketi BLADE porjesi için 2008 yılından beri…

  • Airbus “Blade” Wingtip Makes First Flight

    Airbus “Blade” Wingtip Makes First Flight

    Toulouse, September 26th, 2017 Airbus’ A340 laminar-flow “BLADE” test demonstrator aircraft (A340-300 MSN001) has made its successful maiden flight for the EU-sponsored Clean Sky “Blade” project. The aircraft, dubbed “Flight Lab”, took off from the Tarbes aerodrome in southern France at local time 11:00, and after a series of successful tests it landed at Airbus’…

  • Amazing composite fan blade production

    Amazing composite fan blade production

    Experience a time-lapse video of how CFAN in Texas manufactures amazing lightweight yet highly durable composite fan blades for large turbofan aircraft engines that bring hundreds of pounds less weight than traditional metal blades (along with its supporting material) – which ultimately helps to reduce fuel consumption while improving overall aerodynamics. CFAN is a 50/50…